Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Feeling a Little Depressed

The weather here has been cold and cloudy with a few flurries thrown in for good measure. It definitly is not helping my mood. April 15, 2007 is the due date of one of the emom that we were matched with and as that date comes closer the more depressed I find myself getting. I know that it will happen to us at some point but this just felt very right.

I just hope and pray that she is ok and that she is able to raise this child by herself, as she does not have a very good support system and the father has a 5 month old with another woman and wants nothing to do with her and her parents are raising her 11 year old son.

I am hoping that the weather clears up soon so that I can get outside and maybe be able to get rid of this mood. I am going to have my hair done tomorrow morning and that always seems to lift my spririts some.


Happy said...

It's rough when you hit a milestone like that. You're right the hair cut will help boost your spirits. ((Sara))

Happy said...

Hmm, you haven't posted on your blog in a while. Is everything ok,or are you busy living not blogging? I'm sending those good vibes your way.